VSD (Variable Speed / Frequency Drive) Compressors The energy savings were huge… of course. The pay-back time would be a few months, or days, or less.. for sure! Stop here! Yes, a VSD compressor can save huge amounts of energy (and thus money), but only if a propoer homework is one, make some calculations and use your common sense. [For those in the dark: a VSD or variable-speed compressor uses a frequency drive to match the compressor speed (and thus capacity) to the amount of compressed air needed. This as opposed to 'load-unload' machines that runs at a fixed speed but 'loads' and 'unloads' between a minimum and maximum pressure). And IF a VSD compressor is a good idea in your situation, buy the right size of VSD compressor. Here's when a VSD compressor will save you money: when it runs at less than 80% speed for most of the time and when it runs continuously (daily). In these cases, the cost-savings can be huge. Tens of thousands of dollars per year ...
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